You can't pull off the Nerd look this well unless you already have the Nerd gene.
Reba - The patron saint of all Pirates.
Who ordered the Reba sandwich on two slices of doofus bread?
Reba & Chris generously take the drive-thru guy from Burger King out for a couple beers.
Reba's fake 80's hair looks goofy, but did you ever see her real hair in the 80's? Yikes!
"This shirt fit yesterday, what happened?"
The day that they let the prop guy write the script.
I think that guy should be using a bigger brush.
To stay young, Reba sheds her skin once a month, like a snake.
Reba has an allergic reaction to living in Los Angeles for so long.
Reba has to read the script out loud to some of the slower crew members.
Seriously, Home Depot sells little paint rollers that might be more efficient. i think that's what Tammy Faye uses.
Reba's contract requires that someone carry her everywhere she goes. Today is Melissa's lucky day!
Look, a CW executive is visiting the set!
You like regular Reba? Try her supersized.
"Pick up my show or I'll kill this cake!"
Losing weight isn't easy
There's a CW executive to the left who just told Reba that he has no room for the Reba show right now. Swing low Reba!
Is Reba smoking? Sure she is... just like Tom Cruise is the last Samuri Warrior.
Reba's not fooling anyone with the water and straw routine. She's obviously just had a couple dozen double chocolate shakes.
I think that we all know who the "bigger" star is.
The Bride of Franken-Dork
Melissa you idiot, turn around, country superstar Reba McEntire is right behind you!
It is a little known fact that Reba gains 50 pounds every single night!